Pragmatica Innovations (PI) creates more efficient and profitable enterprises. Unlike companies that start by managing documents, improving processes or building software - our team begins with the foundations of these solutions. We provide a complete understanding of the information that builds the requirements for successful and robust business capabilities. Using the doctrine of pragmatism, our team applies architectural rigor to all its solutions. It makes no sense to try to improve, using new expensive tools and software, what is fundamentally flawed – bad information.
Information is the tool of management decisions and world-class operations. Our products and services are built based on how information is generated, transformed and shared in an organization. Within every solution is the same persistent information built into a strong architecture that can survive organizational change, new requirements and products, even mergers and acquisitions. New programs and procedures do not fail by themselves. They fail because they are hastily built without a full understanding of what they are supposed to do.
With a solid understanding of the information that must be managed we can improve business management services, create collaborative environments, provide ways to visualize complex information that help make objective resource decisions and show how information becomes data and data becomes decisions. We are confident because we have created a complete approach (the 42 way). We designed and integrated frameworks (42 framework) to capture the information; developed a tool (DE2M) to model it both visually and within a database; pioneered methods to generate solution requirements from repeatable models and synthesized a complete business management model and platform (PrISM) that integrates the software investment you have already made.
We continuously strive for the most practical means to accomplish our work! We work with each customer and partner to ensure their self-sufficiency - always including our unique ethical perspective on contributing to an environmentally sustainable future.